Can Moodle Increase Learner Autonomy?

  • Leslie Carolina Bobb-Wolff Universidad de La Laguna
Keywords: Learner autonomy, Moodle, learning management systems, pedagogical innovation, LMS


This paper discusses concerns about increasing learners’ autonomy through the use of learning management systems, and specifically through the use of one of these, Moodle. I will comment on some of the ways using a learning platform may not increase learner autonomy but also offer examples from two different subjects that I believe do increase learners’ autonomy. Students’ opinions of their work with Moodle will also be included.


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How to Cite
Bobb-Wolff, Leslie. 2022. “Can Moodle Increase Learner Autonomy?”. Revista Canaria De Estudios Ingleses, no. 61 (August), 99-115.