Scientific writing assistance for non-native speakers of English: shifting right on the interactivity spectrum

  • Ray Cooke Université Victor Segalen Bordeaux 2
  • Susan Birch-Becaas Université Victor Segalen Bordeaux 2
Keywords: NNS scientists, publishing research, gate-kept access, online writing assistance


This paper investigates the issue of how non-native speaking (NNS) scientists manage to get their work published despite the linguistic and procedural difficulties that they face, and in particular, looks at the means and tools available to do this. The authors pinpoint certain conditions that could be met in order to allow NNS scientists easier access to the “gate-kept” world of publishing in English. Finally, they describe how available tools to help such authors have progressively shifted right on the interactivity spectrum.


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How to Cite
Cooke, Ray, and Susan Birch-Becaas. 2023. “Scientific Writing Assistance for Non-Native Speakers of English: Shifting Right on the Interactivity Spectrum”. Revista Canaria De Estudios Ingleses, no. 59 (March), 89-100.