Some Reflections on Reading Contemporary British Poetry

  • María del Pino Montesdeoca Cubas Universidad de La Laguna
Keywords: Contemporary British poetry, Michael Schmidt, Michael Symmons Roberts, British poetry magazines


The aim of the present article is to consider several aspects related to the reception of contemporary British poetry. An interview with the poet Michael Symmons Roberts will help us in our discussion. We will bear in mind Michael Schmidt’s experience as an editor and his views on the role of literary critics with respect to poetry readership as well. In addition, we will provide a brief account of some British poetry magazines and of their impact in the forging of a wide and varied poetry reading audience. We will also argue that University poetry teachers play a decisive role in this matter as well.


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How to Cite
Montesdeoca Cubas, María del Pino. 2023. “Some Reflections on Reading Contemporary British Poetry”. Revista Canaria De Estudios Ingleses, no. 60 (March), 115-22.