A Romantic Spirit in Córdoba: An Examination of the Life and Poetry of the Unsung Andalusian Translator, Guillermo Belmonte Müller

  • Juan de Dios Torralbo Caballero Universidad de Córdoba
Keywords: Guillermo Belmonte Müller, translation studies, English poetry, Spanish poetry, Shakespeare, Córdoba, Byron, Musset


This article looks at the life and poetical development of Guillermo Belmonte Müller, a relatively obscure Córdoban poet whose unusually refined literary upbringing led to an interest in languages and world travel, as well as a love of English and French poetry. It discusses some aspects of his Romantic spirit, which was physically expressed in the events of his life as well as in his poetry. An examination of some of his translations and adaptations of Shakespeare and Byron leads us to believe that he had a great interest in and love for English poetry and to conclude that Belmonte Müller was an assiduous translator, traveller and a decidedly unique cultural figure.


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How to Cite
Torralbo Caballero, Juan de Dios. 2023. “A Romantic Spirit in Córdoba: An Examination of the Life and Poetry of the Unsung Andalusian Translator, Guillermo Belmonte Müller”. Revista Canaria De Estudios Ingleses, no. 60 (March), 125-34. https://www.ull.es/revistas/index.php/estudios-ingleses/article/view/5186.