Basques in the West: Euskara Jalgi Hadi Mundura

  • Monika Madinabeitia Medrano, Dr Mondragon University/ Etxepare Euskal Institut
Keywords: Basque, Settlement, Immigration, Euskaldun


Thousands of individuals have left the Basque Country, Euskal Herria, throughout its history. In the US West they encountered a language barrier, which had an effect on their relationships and ability to settle in the host nation. Conversely, their educated children spoke English fluently, which accelerated their integration into mainstream America. Euskara, the Basque language, disappeared from many households as an outcome of this
assimilation. This essay explores the history of Basque emigration and settlement in the region, the relationship between Euskara and the American West since the 19th century, and highlights some of the ongoing initiatives to advance Euskara and its usage in the region.


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How to Cite
Madinabeitia Medrano, Monika. 2024. “Basques in the West: Euskara Jalgi Hadi Mundura”. Revista Canaria De Estudios Ingleses, no. 88 (April), 155-68.