Las citas de Solón en Plutarco

  • Rosa María Aguilar Universidad Complutense
Palabras clave: Plutarco, Solón


The aim of this paper is to provide an almost exhaustive study about the Solon's citations throughout the Plutarch work.
Actually Plutarch, author of a biography of Solon included between the Parallelae Vitae, pays also his attention to the solonian thought along the several treatises of the Moralia.
The purpose of Plutarch differs from the Vita Solonis to the Moralia. In the first of these works the quotations are, as a general rule, used to emphasize personal features of the biographied. On the other hand, the Moralia treatises offer a minor number of citations, which, nevertheless give a more exact account about the interlocutors oppinions.
Plutarch has made use too in considerable amount of Solon verses, of which he is sometimes the only resting evidence.

Cómo citar
Aguilar, Rosa María. 1991. Las Citas De Solón En Plutarco. Fortunatae, n.º 2 (diciembre), 11-21.