Κοινοκρατηρόσκυφος: comensalidad y política en la poesía cercidea

  • Juan Luis López Cruces Universidad de Granada
  • Javier Campos Daroca Universidad de Granada
Palabras clave: Poesía cercidea


This paper tries to prove that Cercidas' first meliambus, traditionally interpreted as a Cynic diatribe against luxury, can be explained otherwise starting from the circumstances of its performance: taking into account the socio-political value of the feeding practices in the Greek world, we suggest that with the term κοινοκρατηρόσκυφος the poet means that his party is endowed with the political virtue of μεσότης in the opposition to the ἀκρασία of the rival faction.

Cómo citar
López Cruces, Juan Luis, y Javier Campos Daroca. 1991. Κοινοκρατηρόσκυφος: Comensalidad Y Política En La Poesía Cercidea. Fortunatae, n.º 2 (diciembre), 23-36. https://www.ull.es/revistas/index.php/fortvnatae/article/view/2911.