El género gramatical en los Commentarii de Servio a Virgilio

  • Francisco González Luis Universidad de La Laguna
Palabras clave: Servio


This paper reviews the various observations concerning grammatical gender that were made by the grammaticus urbis Romae, Marius Servius Honoratus, in his Commentarii on Virgil. As he presents the discussion within the frameword of the teaching of the grammatical correctness of the language, that is, of latinitas, his dependence on traditional artes grammaticae is evident, especially on Ars Donati. Servius's originality, however, can be appreciated in the eclectic position he adopts with respect to the theoretical postulates of grammatical gender, in the manner in which he renews and enlarges auctorial evidence, in his many insights and even in his personal errors.

Cómo citar
González Luis, Francisco. 1991. El Género Gramatical En Los Commentarii De Servio a Virgilio. Fortunatae, n.º 2 (diciembre), 239-62. https://www.ull.es/revistas/index.php/fortvnatae/article/view/2921.