Dativo griego: ¿semántica o sintaxis? Apuntes para un análisis sintáctico. I.

  • Luis Miguel Pino Campos Universidad de La Laguna
Palabras clave: Dativo griego


A brief review of studies which deal with the Greek dative shows that in most instances description of the uses of the case is due to semantic considerations derived from contextual factors. It seems incoherent, therefore, to view the explanations included in traditional grammar books and manuals or in some specific studies as "dative syntax". The author announces the publication, in a second part, of an analysis of the Greek dative from the point of view of its syntactical function, that is, the retationship between the categories which intervene in a context where a dative is present.


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Cómo citar
Pino Campos, Luis Miguel. 1992. «Dativo Griego: ¿semántica O Sintaxis? Apuntes Para Un Análisis Sintáctico. I». Fortunatae, n.º 3 (junio), 245-50. https://www.ull.es/revistas/index.php/fortvnatae/article/view/2934.