Notas sobre las historia de la redacción y estructura del texto de Jn 1,1-18

  • Juan Barreto Betancort Universidad de La Laguna
Palabras clave: Jn 1,1-18


The present article constitutes the first part of a study of the literary structure of the so called Prologue of John’s Gospel (1,1-18). The starting point is a history of its composition. The Prologue’s basic text, called PI, is formed by 1,1-5.10ac.11.14abce.17, the sequences called PII, I, 6-9.10b.I2-13.14d.15-16 18, constitute, in the author’s opinion, a textual expansion in composition. Given the hipothesis that different styles correspond to different compositions we have grouped or separated sequences according to stylistic criteria although structure and content is also considered. Here the caracteristics of style and content are established as well as those of the structure of PI and PII. The second part will explain the forms of insertion of PII in PI and the resulting strutural changes.

Cómo citar
Barreto Betancort, Juan. 1992. «Notas Sobre Las Historia De La Redacción Y Estructura Del Texto De Jn 1,1-1»8. Fortunatae, n.º 4 (diciembre), 11-40.