Misoginia en la tradición literaria neohelénica

  • Olga Omatos Universidad del País Vasco
Palabras clave: Misoginia


The sarcastic commentaries or the cruel invectives against women in relation to their character or their femenine wiles to attract men's attention, are very frequent in former Greek literary texts and in the classical Age, continuing until the so called "Neohelenic Literature". In this work, you can find a series of Cretan testimonies, corresponding to the Renaissance Age in Greece, which confirmes the continuity of the misogynous tradition in Greek Literature using the same topics as ancient ancestors. At the same time, the first text we introduce, is a testimony of how the elements of literary tradition pass on to oral tradition acquiring characteristics typical of Folklore.

Cómo citar
Omatos, Olga. 1992. Misoginia En La Tradición Literaria Neohelénica. Fortunatae, n.º 4 (diciembre), 163-81. https://www.ull.es/revistas/index.php/fortvnatae/article/view/2948.