La muerte y la utopía de las Islas de Los Bienaventurados en el imaginario griego

  • Julio O. López Saco ----
Palabras clave: Islas de los Bienaventurados


The Isles of the Blessed or the Elysium are included in the mythical ideal of the greek imaginary. Their habitual geographical place, (in the world's boundaries, beyond the Ocean, in the far west), is placed on insular territories and for this they are often identified with present islands, (Madeira, Canaries). Heros live in this "Paradise" and the spirits of the characters selected directly for the gods on account of the relationships, and also deserving persons that can enjoy such Islands, according to a ethical and moral judgements of conduct. In these Islands the elected enjoy all the advantages, like in a garden of Eden: mild and kind climate, plenty of fruits, absence of work and illness and a eternal life. Their essential characteristics are included in three aspects: isolation, distance and an imperturbable happiness. Heros like Menelao, Achilles or Peleo knew the happiness and the welfare of the Elysium.

Cómo citar
López Saco, Julio O. 1994. La Muerte Y La Utopía De Las Islas De Los Bienaventurados En El Imaginario Griego. Fortunatae, n.º 6 (junio), 43-69.