El género literario de las obras no epistolares de Paciano de Barcelona

  • Francisco Javier Tovar Paz Universidad de Extremadura
Palabras clave: Paciano de Barcelona


This paper deals with brief reflections about literary genres of non-epistolary production of Pacianus Barcinonensis. We consider the text know as "Third Epistle" and the concept of "homiletic". The "Third Epistle" have more proximity with the discourses of Pacianus than with his others epistles; the reason is the treatment exegetic although there isn't an important motive of the discourses: the "castigatio", because the "Third Epistle" have a different context.

Cómo citar
Tovar Paz, Francisco Javier. 1994. El Género Literario De Las Obras No Epistolares De Paciano De Barcelona. Fortunatae, n.º 6 (junio), 315-27. https://www.ull.es/revistas/index.php/fortvnatae/article/view/2992.