Un tabú en la sociedad grecorromana: la mujer y el vino

  • Carolina Real Torres Universidad de La Laguna
Palabras clave: Mujer, sociedad grecorromana


Women in Antiquity were valued through their fertility. Thus, the fact that their destiny as wives was determined by their capacity of providing legitimate descendants causes a series of biological, social and ethical factors which ruled their body. This paper is an attempt to draw a reasonable explanation of some features of the behaviour of women in society. It also gives an account of the various kinds of restrictions imposed on them.

Cómo citar
Real Torres, Carolina. 1995. Un Tabú En La Sociedad Grecorromana: La Mujer Y El Vino. Fortunatae, n.º 7 (junio), 301-9. https://www.ull.es/revistas/index.php/fortvnatae/article/view/3012.