El agua en The Ship of Theseus (2012), de Anand Ghandit

  • Juan José Cruz Universidad de La Laguna
Palabras clave: Anand Gandhi, lliberalización económica en India, clases medias, tráfico de órganos, secularización


Anand Gandhi’s film Ship of Theseus (2012) has been praised as an art film that expresses a universal quest for personal truth and moral obligation in today’s India. The text addresses the challenges of Rising India in the current global economy. Ancillary subthemes to discuss include women’s empowerment within the new Indian middle class and organ trafficking to oblige the demand in the West. Eventually, the film points out too that the Nehruvian agenda for India is being washed away by the opposite currents of fundamentalism and neoliberalism. In all three episodes in the film water takes a focal point as metaphor, stage, or synecdoche.


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